Document count: 666
- Abaqulusi Municipality
- Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act (108/1991)
- Accreditation for Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act (9/2006)
- Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act and Regulations (46/1998)
- Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act (105/1983)
- Advertising on Roads and Ribbon Development Act and Regulations (21/1940)
- Advisory Board on Social Development Act (3/2001) [TO BE COMMENCED]
- Affirmative Action (Employment) Act and Regulations (29/1998) [Namibia]
- Agrement South Africa Act (11/2015)
- Agricultural Laws Rationalisation Act (72/1998)
- Agricultural Pests Act and Regulations (36/1983)Recently Updated
- Agricultural Produce Agents Act and Regulations (12/1992)
- Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)Recently Updated
- Agricultural Research Act (86/1990)
- Agriculture Laws Extension Act (87/1996)
- Air Services Licensing Act and Regulations (115/1990)
- Albert Luthuli Municipality
- Alfred Duma Local Municipality
- Alfred Nzo District Municipality
- Allied Health Professions Act and Regulations (63/1982)
- Amahlathi Local Municipality
- Amathole District Municipality
- Animal Diseases Act and Regulations (35/1984)
- Animal Health Act (7/2002) [TO BE COMMENCED]
- Animal Health Act and Regulations (5/1960) [Zimbabwe]
- Animal Identification Act and Regulations (6/2002)
- Animal Improvement Act and Regulations (62/1998)
- Animal Protection Act and Regulations (71/1962)
- Antarctic Treaties Act and Regulations (60/1996)
- Arbitration Act (42/1965)
- Architectural Profession Act and Regulations (44/2000)
- Arts, Culture and Heritage, 1996
- Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act and Regulations (21/2007)
- Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention) Act and Regulations (18/1971) [Botswana]
- Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Ordinance and Regulations (11/1976) [Namibia]
- Atomic Energy Act and Regulations (7/2002) [Tanzania]
- Atomic Energy and Radiation Protection Act and Regulations (5/2005) [Namibia]
- Auditing Profession Act and Regulations (26/2005)Recently Updated
- Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality
- Banks Act and Regulations (94/1990)Recently Updated
- Basel Convention on Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Disposal 1989
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act and Regulations (75/1997)Recently Updated
- Beaufort West Municipality
- Bergrivier MunicipalityRecently Updated
- Bills of Exchange Act (34/1964)
- Biosafety Act and Regulations (2/2009) [Kenya]
- Blouberg Municipality
- Bojanala Platinum District Municipality
- Border Management Authority Act (2/2020)
- Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and Regulations (53/2003)
- Buffalo City Municipality
- Bushbuckridge Local Municipality
- Bushbuckridge Municipality
- Business Act (71/1991)
- Cape Agulhas Municipality
- Carbon Tax Act and Regulations (15/2019)Recently Updated
- Carriage by Air Act (17/1946)
- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (1/1986)
- Cederberg Municipality
- Children's Act and Regulations (38/2005)
- City of Cape Town
- City of Johannesburg
- City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
- Civil Aviation Act and Regulations (13/2009)
- Civil Proceedings Evidence Act (25/1965)
- Civil Union Act and Regulations (17/2006)
- Climate Change Act and Regulations (22/2024)
- Close Corporations Act and Regulations (69/1984)
- Co-operative Banks Act and Regulations (40/2007)
- Co-operatives Act and Regulations (14/2005)
- Collective Investment Schemes Control Act and Regulations (45/2002)
- Communal Land Rights Act (11/2004) - To Be Commenced
- Community Development Act (3/1966)
- Companies Act and Regulations (71/2008)Recently Updated
- Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act and Regulations (130/1993)Recently Updated
- Competition Act and Regulations (89/1998)
- Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act and Regulations (43/1983)
- Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (BONN) 1979
- Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (1996)
- Construction Industry Development Board Act and Regulations (38/2000)
- Consumer Protection Act and Regulations (68/2008)
- Contingency Fees Act and Regulations (66/1997)
- Continuing Education and Training Act and Regulations (16/2006)
- Contractors Registration Act and By-Laws (17/1997) [Tanzania]
- Convention & Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change (NEW YORK/KYOTO) 1992/1997
- Convention and Paris Protocol on Wetlands (RAMSAR/PARIS) 1971/1982
- Convention and Protocol on Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping (LONDON etc) 1972
- Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (LONDON) 1972
- Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (PARIS) 1972
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of High Seas (GENEVA) 1958
- Convention on High Seas (Geneva) 1958
- Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment Act (4/2007)
- Convention on International Plant Protection
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (WASHINGTON) 1973
- Convention on Nuclear Safety (Vienna) 1994
- Convention on the Continental Shelf (Geneva) 1958
- Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft Act and Regulations (59/1993)
- Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational uses of International Watercourses
- Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone (Geneva) 1958
- Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
- Convention to Combat Desertification (PARIS) 1994
- Conversion Sustainable Use of South Africa's Biological Diversity
- Copyrights Act and Regulations (98/1978)
- Council for the Built Environment Act and Regulations (43/2000)
- Counterfeit Goods Act (37/1997)
- Credit Rating Services Act and Regulations (24/2012)
- Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Amendment Act and Regulations (32/2007)
- Criminal Law Amendment Act (105/1997)
- Criminal Procedure Act and Regulations (51/1977)
- Critical Infrastructure Protection Act and Regulations (8/2019)
- Cross-Border Road Transport Act and Regulations (4/1998)
- Currency and Exchanges Act and Regulations (9/1933)
- Customs and Excise Act and Regulations (91/1964)Recently Updated
- Customs Duty Act (30/2014)
- Cybercrimes Act and Regulations (19/2020)
- Dairy Act (28/1937) [Zimbabwe]
- Dairy Industry Act and Regulations (34/1958) [Kenya]
- Dangerous Weapons Act (15/2013)
- Dannhauser Municipality
- Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality
- Debt Collectors Act and Regulations (114/1998)
- Decriminalization Act (107 of 1991)
- Deeds Registries Act and Regulations (47/1937)
- Defence Act and Regulations (42/2002)
- Dental Technicians Act and Regulations (19/1979)
- Designs Act and Regulations (195/1993)
- Development Bank of Southern Africa Act and Regulations (13/1997)
- Diamond Act and Regulations (13/1999) [Namibia]
- Diamonds Act (3/2011) [Eswatini]
- Diamonds Act and Regulations (56/1986)
- Dihlabeng Local Municipality
- Dikgatlong Local Municipality
- Disaster Management Act and Regulations (57/2002)Recently Updated
- Disaster Management Tax Relief Administration Act (14/2020)
- Ditsobotla Local Municipality
- Domestic Violence Act and Regulations (116/1998)
- Draft White Paper on Water Services, 2002
- Drakenstein Municipality
- Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act and Regulations (140/1992)
- Eastern Cape Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Ehlanzeni District Municipality
- Ekurhuleni Metropolitan
- Electoral Act and Regulations (73/1998)
- Electricity Act and Regulations (10/2008) [Tanzania]
- Electricity Act and Regulations (11/2019) [Zambia]
- Electricity Act and Regulations (4/2007) [Namibia]
- Electricity Regulation Act and Regulations (4/2006)Recently Updated
- Electricity Supply Act and Regulations (21/1973) [Botswana]
- Electronic Communications Act and Regulations (36/2005)Recently Updated
- Electronic Communications and Transactions Act and Regulations (25/2002)
- Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Act (19/2019)
- Emadlangeni Municipality
- Emakhazeni Local Municipality
- Emalahleni Municipality
- Emfuleni Municipality
- Employees' Compensation Act and Regulations (30/1941) [Namibia]
- Employment Act (5/1980) [Eswatini]
- Employment Act and Regulations (11/2007) [Kenya]
- Employment Act and Regulations (29/1982) [Botswana]
- Employment Act and Regulations (57/1965) [Zambia] ...Repealed
- Employment Act and Regulations (6/2000) [Malawi]
- Employment and Labour Relations Act (6/2004) [Tanzania]
- Employment Code Act and Regulations (3/2019) [Zambia]
- Employment Equity Act and Regulations (55/1998)Recently Updated
- Employment Services Act (4/2014)
- Employment Tax Incentive Act (26/2013)
- Emthanjeni Municipality
- Endumeni Municipality
- Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority Act (11/2001) [Tanzania]
- Energy Regulation Act and Regulations (12/2019) [Zambia]
- Energy Regulation Act and Regulations (20/2004) [Malawi]
- Engineering Profession Act and Regulations (46/2000)
- Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality
- Environment Act and Regulations (10/2008) [Lesotho]
- Environment Law and Regulations (20/1997) [Mozambique]
- Environment Management Act and Regulations (19/2017) [Malawi]
- Environmental Assessment Act and Regulations (10/2011) [Botswana]
- Environmental Conservation Act and Regulations (73/1989)
- Environmental Management Act and Regulations (12/2011) [Zambia]
- Environmental Management Act and Regulations (13/2002) [Zimbabwe]
- Environmental Management Act and Regulations (20/2004) [Tanzania]
- Environmental Management Act and Regulations (5/2002) [Eswatini]
- Environmental Management Act and Regulations (7/2007) [Namibia]
- Environmental Management and Co-Ordination Act and Regulations (8/1999) [Kenya]
- Environmental Management Policy for South Africa
- Environmental Pollution Control Act and Regulations (300/2002) EthiopiaRecently Updated
- Eskom Conversion Act (13/2001)
- Estate Agency Affairs Act and Regulations (112/1976)
- Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality
- Explosives Act (15/2003)
- Explosives Act (56/1963) [Tanzania]
- Explosives Act and Regulations (10/1974) [Zambia]
- Explosives Act and Regulations (26/1956)
- Explosives Act and Regulations (31/1961) [Botswana]
- Explosives Act and Regulations (4/1961) [Eswatini]
- Expropriation Act and Regulations (63/1975)
- Extension of Security of Tenure Act and Regulations (62/1997)
- Factories Act and Regulations (16/1987) [Nigeria]
- Factories Act and Regulations (2/1966) [Zambia]
- Factories Act and Regulations (31/1973) [Botswana]
- Factories and Works Act (20/1948) [Zimbabwe]
- Factories, Machinery and Construction Works Act and Regulations (17/1972) [Eswatini]
- Factories, Offices and Shops Act and Regulations (328/1970) [Ghana]
- Fencing Act (31/1963)
- Fencing Act and Regulations (32/1950) [Zambia]
- Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Stock Remedies Act and Regulations (36/1947)
- Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality
- Fezile Dabi District Municipality
- Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and Regulations (37/2002)
- Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act (28/2001)
- Financial Intelligence Centre Act and Regulations (38/2001)
- Financial Markets Act and Regulations (19/2012)
- Financial Sector and Deposit Insurance Levies Act (11/2022)Recently Updated
- Financial Sector Deposit Insurance Levies (Admin) Premiums Act (12/2022)
- Financial Sector Regulation Act and Regulations (9/2017)
- Financial Supervision of the Road Accident Fund Act (8/1993)
- Fire Brigade Services Act and Regulations (99/1987)
- Firearms Control Act and Regulations (60/2000)Recently Updated
- Food and Food Standards Act and Regulations (25/1971) [Zimbabwe]
- Food Control Act and Regulations (11/1993) [Botswana]
- Food Safety Act and Regulations (7/2019) [Zambia]
- Food, Drugs and Chemical Substances Act and Regulations (8/1965) [Kenya]
- Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act and Regulations (54/1972)
- Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Ordinance and Regulations (18/1979) [Namibia]
- Foreign Service Act and Regulations (26/2019)
- Frances Baard District Municipality
- Free State Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Friendly Societies Act and Regulations (25/1956)
- Fund-Raising Act (107/1978)
- Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality
- Gamagara Local Municipality
- Game Theft Act (105/1991)
- Garden Route District Municipality
- Gas Act and Regulations (48/2001)
- Gas Regulator Levies Act (75/2002)
- Gauteng Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- General Regulations on Occupational Health and Safety in Industrial Premises (48/1973) [Mozambique]
- Genetically Modified Organisms Act and Regulations (15/1997)
- Geomatics Profession Act and Regulations (19/2013)
- George Municipality
- Gert Sibande District Municipality
- Global Minimum Tax Act (46/2024)Recently Updated
- Global Minimum Tax Administration Act (47/2024)Recently Updated
- Govan Mbeki Municipality
- Greater Giyani Local Municipality
- Greater Tzaneen Municipality
- Green Paper on Consumer Policy Framework
- Green Paper on Development and Planning
- Green Paper on National Climate Change Response
- Hazardous Substances Act and Regulations (15/1973)
- Hazardous Substances Ordinance (14/1974) [Namibia]
- Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal Control Act (1090/2018) [Ethiopia]
- Health Professions Act and Regulations (56/1974)Recently Updated
- Historical Monuments, Relics, Fauna and Flora Act and Regulations (41/1967) [Lesotho]
- Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (63/2000)
- Housing Act and Regulations (107/1997)Recently Updated
- Human Environment and Sustainable Development (Stockholm/Rio De Janeiro) 1972
- Human Sciences Research Council Act (17/2008)
- Hydrographic Act (35/2019)
- Identification Act and Regulations (68/1997)
- Immigration Act and Regulations (13/2002)Recently Updated
- Implementation of the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court Act and Regulations (27/2002)
- Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)Recently Updated
- Independent Police Investigative Directorate Act and Regulations (1/2011)
- Industrial and Consumer Chemicals (Management and Control) Act and Regulations (3/2003) [Tanzania]
- Industrial and Labour Relations Act and Regulations (27/1993) [Zambia]
- Infrastructure Development Act and Regulations (23/2014)
- Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality
- Inquests Act (58/1959)
- Insolvency Act and Regulations (24/1936)
- Insurance Act (18/2017)
- Integrated Pollution and Waste Management for South Africa
- Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act and Regulations (13/2005)
- Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (31/1996)
- International Air Services Act and Regulations (60/1993)
- International Arbitration Act (15/2017)
- International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (RIO DE JANEIRO) 1966
- International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (WASHINGTON) 1946
- International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (BRUSSELS) 1969
- International Health Regulations Act and Regulations (28/1974)
- International Trade Administration Act and Regulations (71/2002)Recently Updated
- Intimidation Act (72/1982)
- Iodization of Salt Act and Regulations (10/1995) [Malawi]
- JB Marks Local Municipality
- Joe Gqabi District Municipality
- John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality
- Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act and Regulations (16/1963)
- Kannaland Municipality
- King Cetshwayo District Municipality
- King Sabata Dalindyebo MunicipalityRecently Updated
- Knysna Municipality
- Kouga Local Municipality
- KwaDukuza Municipality
- KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Labour Act and Regulation (651/2003) [Ghana]
- Labour Act and Regulations (11/2007) [Namibia]
- Labour Act and Regulations (1156/2019) [Ethiopia]
- Labour Act and Regulations (21/1974) [Nigeria]
- Labour Act and Regulations (3/2024) [Lesotho]
- Labour Institutions Act and Regulations (7/2004) [Tanzania]
- Labour Law and Regulations (13/2023) [Mozambique]
- Labour Relations Act and Regulations (66/1995)Recently Updated
- Laingsburg Municipality
- Land Court Act (6/2023)
- Land Law and Regulations (19/1997) [Mozambique]
- Land Policy, 1997
- Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act and Regulations (3/1996)
- Land Survey Act and Regulations (8/1997)
- Langeberg Municipality
- Legal Metrology Act and Regulations (9/2014)
- Legal Practice Act and Regulations (28/2014)
- Legal Succession to the South African Transport Services Act and Regulations (9/1989)
- Lekwa Local Municipality
- Lephalale Municipality
- Lesedi Local Municipality
- Limpopo Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Liquid Fuels and Gas (Production and Supply) Act and Regulations (23/2004) [Malawi]
- Liquor Act (59/2003)
- Liquor Products Act and Regulations (60/1989)
- Livestock and Meat Industries Act and Regulations (Act 32/1962) [Botswana]
- Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act (27/1998)
- Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act and Regulations (27/2000)
- Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act and Regulations (56/2003)
- Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act (6/2004)
- Local Government: Municipal Structures Act and Regulations (117/1998)
- Local Government: Municipal Systems Act and Regulations (32/2000)
- Long Term Insurance Act and Regulations (52/1998)
- Lusaka Agreement on Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora (LUSAKA) 1994
- Madibeng Municipality
- Magareng Local Municipality
- Magistrates Court Act and Regulations (32/1944)Recently Updated
- Mahikeng Local Municipality
- Maintenance Act and Regulations (99/1998)
- Makana Municipality
- Makhado Municipality
- Maluti A Phofung Local Municipality
- Mandeni Local Municipality
- Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
- Marine Fisheries Policy for South Africa, 1997
- Marine Living Resources Act and Regulations (18/1998)
- Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act and Regulations (6/1981)
- Marine Pollution (Intervention) Act (64/1987)
- Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act and Regulations (2/1986)
- Marine Resources Act and Regulations (27/2000) [Namibia]
- Marine Spatial Planning Act (16/2018)
- Marine Traffic Act and Regulations (2/1981)
- Maritime Zones Act (15/1994)
- Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and Regulations (47/1996)Recently Updated
- Matatiele Municipality
- Matjhabeng Local Municipality
- Matlosana Local Municipality
- Matzikama Municipality
- Mbombela Local Municipality
- Measurement Units and Measurement Standards Act and Regulations (18/2006)
- Meat Industry Act and Regulations (12/1981) [Namibia]
- Meat Safety Act and Regulations (40/2000)
- Medical Schemes Act and Regulations (131/1998)
- Medicine and Related Substances Act and Regulations (101/1965)Recently Updated
- Mental Health Care Act and Regulations (17/2002)
- Merafong City Local Municipality
- Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Administration Act (35/2013)
- Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Contributions Act (36/2013)
- Merchant Shipping (Safe Containers Convention) Act (10/2011)
- Merchant Shipping Act and Regulations (57/1951)
- Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC)
- Metsimaholo Municipality
- Midvaal Local Municipality
- Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)
- Mine Safety Act (4/1981) [Lesotho]
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act and Regulations (28/2002)
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty (Administration) Act (29/2008)
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act (28/2008)Recently Updated
- Mineral Technology Act and Regulations (31/1989)
- Minerals (Prospecting and Mining) Act and Regulations (33/1992) [Namibia]
- Minerals and Mining Policy for South Africa
- Mines and Mineral Act and Regulations (38/1961) [Zimbabwe]
- Mines and Minerals Act (4/2005) [Lesotho]
- Mines and Minerals Act and Regulations (17/1999) [Botswana]
- Mines and Minerals Act and Regulations (4/2011) [Eswatini]
- Mines and Minerals Development Act and Regulations (11/2015) [Zambia]
- Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act and Regulations (20/1973) [Botswana]
- Minimum Wages and Conditions of Employment Act and Regulations (25/1982) [Zambia] ...Repealed
- Mining Act and Regulations (12/2016) [Kenya]
- Mining Act and Regulations (14/2010) [Tanzania]
- Mining Law and Regulations (20/2014) [Mozambique]
- Mining Operations Act and Regulations (678/2010) [Ethiopia]
- Mining Titles Registration Act and Regulations (16/1967)
- Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality
- Mogalakwena Municipality
- Mogale City Municipality
- Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MONTREAL) 1987
- Mopani District Municipality
- Moqhaka Local Municipality
- Moses Kotane Local Municipality
- Mossel Bay MunicipalityRecently Updated
- Motor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO)Recently Updated
- Mountain Catchment Areas Act and Regulations (63/1970)
- Mpumalanga Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Msukaligwa Municipality
- Msunduzi Local Municipality
- Municipal Service Partnerships, 2000
- Municipality of Beira [Mozambique]
- Musina Local Municipality
- Mutual Banks Act and Regulations (124/1993)
- Naledi Local Municipality
- Nama Khoi Municipality
- National Archives and Record Service of South Africa Act and Regulations (43/1996)
- National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (103/1977)
- National Climate Change Response, 2011
- National Commercial Ports Policy
- National Conventional Arms Control Act and Regulations (41/2002)
- National Council for Construction Act and Regulations (13/2003) [Zambia]
- National Council for Library and Information Services Act (6/2001)
- National Council on Gender-based Violence and Femicide Act (9/2024)
- National Credit Act and Regulations (34/2005)
- National Development Agency Act (108/1998)
- National Education Policy Act and Regulations (27/1996)
- National Energy Act and Regulations (34/2008)
- National Energy Regulator Act (40/2004)
- National Environmental Management Act and Regulations (107/1998)Recently Updated
- National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act and Regulations (39/2004)
- National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004)
- National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act and Regulations (24/2008)
- National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (57/2003)
- National Environmental Management: Waste Act and Regulations (59/2008)
- National Environmental Standards & Regulations Enforcement Agency (Establishment) Act and Regulations (25/2007) [Nigeria]
- National Forests Act and Regulations (84/1998)Recently Updated
- National Health Act and Regulations (61/2003)
- National Health Laboratory Service Act (37/2000)
- National Heritage Council Act (11/1999)
- National Heritage Resources Act and Regulations (25/1999)Recently Updated
- National Key Points Act and Regulations (102/1980)
- National Land Transport Act and Regulations (5/2009)
- National Land Transport Interim Arrangements Act (45/1998)
- National Minimum Wage Act and Regulations (9/2018)Recently Updated
- National Nuclear Regulator Act and Regulations (47/1999)
- National Ports Act and Regulations (12/2005)
- National Prosecuting Authority Act and Regulations (32/1998)
- National Qualifications Framework Act and Regulations (67/2008)Recently Updated
- National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act (53/2008)
- National Railway Safety Regulator Act and Regulations (16/2002)
- National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act and Regulations (5/2008)
- National Research Foundation Act and Regulations (23/1998)
- National Road Traffic Act and Regulations (93/1996)
- National Sanitation Policy, 1996
- National Small Enterprise Act and Regulations (102/1996)
- National Social Security Authority Act and Regulations (12/1989) [Zimbabwe]
- National Veld and Forest Fire Act and Regulations (101/1998)
- National Water Act and Regulations (36/1998)Recently Updated
- National Water Policy for South Africa
- Natural Scientific Professions Act and Regulations (27/2003)
- Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
- Newcastle Municipality
- Nkangala District Municipality
- Nkomazi Local Municipality
- Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Local Municipality
- Nonprofit Organisations Act and Regulations (71/1997)
- North-West Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Northern Cape Provincial Acts and Ordinances
- Nuclear Energy Act and Regulations (46/1999)
- Nursing Act and Regulations (33/2005)
- Nyandeni Local Municipality
- Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act and Regulations (78/1973)Recently Updated
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (36/2010) [Zambia]
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (5/2003) [Tanzania]
- Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (85/1993)
- Occupational Health and Safety Drafts
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (9/2001) [Eswatini]
- Occupational Safety and Health Act and Regulations (15/2007) [Kenya]
- Occupational Safety and Health Act and Regulations (28/2005) [Mauritius]
- Occupational Safety, Health and Welfare Act and Regulations (21/1997) [Malawi]
- Okhahlamba Municipality
- Organised Local Government Act (52/1997)
- Oudtshoorn Municipality
- Overberg District Municipality
- Overstrand Municipality
- Patents Act and Regulations (57/1978)
- Pension Funds Act and Regulations (24/1956)
- Performing Animals Protection Act and Regulations (24/1935)
- Perishable Products Export Control Act and Regulations (9/1983)
- Petroleum Act and Regulations (28/1930) [Zambia]
- Petroleum Law and Regulations (21/2014) [Mozambique]
- Petroleum Pipelines Act and Regulations (60/2003)
- Petroleum Products Act and Regulations (120/1977)
- Pharmacy Act and Regulations (53/1974)Recently Updated
- Phumelela Local Municipality
- Polokwane Municipality
- Precious Metals Act and Regulation (37/2005)
- Precious Stones Order and Regulations (24/1970) [Lesotho]
- Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act and Regulations (5/2000)
- Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act and Regulations (12/2004)
- Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act and Regulations (70/2008)
- Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (19/1998)
- Prevention of Organised Crime Act and Regulations (121/1998)
- Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation Act and Regulations (139/1991)
- Prevention of Undesirable Residue in Meat Act and Regulations (21/1991) [Namibia]
- Prince Albert Municipality
- Private Security Industry Levies Act (23/2002)
- Private Security Industry Regulation Act and Regulations (56/2001)
- Project and Construction Management Professions Act and Regulations (48/2000)
- Promotion of Access to Information Act and Regulations (2/2000)Recently Updated
- Promotion of Administrative Justice Act and Regulations (3/2000)
- Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act and Regulations (4/2000)
- Property Practitioners Act and Regulations (22/2019)
- Property Valuers Profession Act and Regulations (47/2000)
- Protected Disclosures Act and Regulations (26/2000)
- Protection from Harassment Act and Regulations (17/2011)
- Protection of Businesses Act (99/1978)
- Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act (33/2004)
- Protection of Investment Act and Regulations (22/2015)
- Protection of Personal Information Act and Regulations (4/2013)
- Public Finance Management Act and Regulations (1/1999)Recently Updated
- Public Health Act and Regulations (11/2018) [Zimbabwe]
- Public Health Act and Regulations (12/1948) [Malawi]
- Public Health Act and Regulations (38/1921) [Kenya]
- Public Health Act and Regulations (5/1969) [Eswatini]
- Public Health Order and Regulations (12/1970) [Lesotho]
- Public Holidays Act (36/1994)
- Public Service Act and Regulations (103/1994)
- Quantity Surveying Profession Act and Regulations (49/2000)
- Radiation Protection Act and Regulations (22/2006) [Botswana]
- Rand West City Local Municipality
- Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality
- Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality
- Reconstruction, Growth and Development in the Construction Industry
- Refugees Act and Regulations (130/1998)
- Regional Services Council Act (109/1985)
- Regulation of Gatherings Act (205/1993)
- Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act (70/2002)
- Rental Housing Act (50/1999)
- Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, South Africa) 2002
- Restitution of Land Rights Act and Regulations (22/1994)
- Richtersveld Municipality
- Road Accident Fund Act and Regulations (56/1996)Recently Updated
- Road Accident Fund Commission Act (71/1998)
- Road Traffic Management Corporation Act and Regulations (20/1999)
- Road Transportation Act and Regulations (74/1977)
- Rotterdam Convention on Procedure for Hazardous Chemicals & Pesticides in International Trade
- Rural Areas Act (House of Representatives) (9/1987)
- Rural Electrification Act (20/2003) [Zambia]
- Rustenburg Local Municipality
- Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act (2/2010)
- Saldanha Bay Harbour Construction Act (29/1973)
- Saldanha Bay Municipality
- Sarah Baartman District Municipality
- Scientific Research Council Act (46/1988)
- Sea Birds and Seals Protection Act and Regulations (46/1973)
- Sea Fishery Act and Regulations (12/1988)
- Sea Transport Documents Act (65/2000)
- Sectional Titles Act and Regulations (95/1986)
- Securities Transfer Tax Act (25/2007)Recently Updated
- Securities Transfer Tax Administration Act (26/2007)
- Sekhukhune District Municipality
- Senqu Local Municipality
- Ship Registration Act and Regulations (58/1998)
- Short Term Insurance Act and Regulations (53/1998)
- Skills Development Act and Regulations (97/1998)
- Skills Development Levies Act & Regulations (9/1999)Recently Updated
- Social Assistance Act and Regulations (13/2004)
- Social Service Professions Act and Regulations (110/1978)
- Soil Conservation Act and Regulations (76/1969) [Namibia]
- Sol Plaatje Municipality
- Solid Waste Regulation and Management Act (20/2018) [Zambia]
- South African Citizenship Act and Regulation (88/1995)
- South African Civil Aviation Authority Levies Act (41/1998)
- South African Council for Educators Act (31/2000)
- South African Human Rights Commission Act and Regulations (40/2013)
- South African Maritime and Aeronautical Search and Rescue Act (44/2002)
- South African Maritime Safety Authority Act and Regulations (5/1998)
- South African Maritime Safety Authority Levies Act (6/1998)
- South African National Roads Agency Ltd and National Roads Act and Regulations (7/1998)Recently Updated
- South African Police Service Act and Regulations (68/1995)
- South African Reserve Bank Act and Regulations (90/1989)
- South African Roads Board Act (74/1988)
- South African Schools Act and Regulations (84/1996)Recently Updated
- Spatial Data Infrastructure Act and Regulations (54/2003)
- Spatial Planning & Land Use Management (White Paper)
- Spatial-Planning and Land Use Management Act and Regulations (16/2013)
- Special Economic Zones Act and Regulations (16/2014)
- Special Pensions Act (69/1996)
- Stamp Duties Act and Regulations (77/1968)
- Standard By-laws Eastern, Western & Northern Cape
- Standard By-laws Free State
- Standard By-laws Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga & North-West
- Standard By-laws General
- Standard By-laws Kwa-Zulu Natal
- Standards Act (8/2008)
- Standards Act and Regulations (18/2005) [Namibia]
- Standards Act and Regulations (20/1994) [Zambia]
- State Land Disposal Act (48/1961)
- Stellenbosch Municipality
- Steve Tshwete Local Municipality
- Stock Theft Act and Regulations (57/1959)
- Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (STOCKHOLM) 2001
- Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (70/1970)
- Superior Courts Act and Regulations (10/2013)
- Sustainable Coastal Development in South Africa, 2000
- Sustainable Forest Development in South Africa, 1999
- Swartland Municipality
- Swellendam Municipality
- Tax Administration Act and Regulations (28/2011)Recently Updated
- Thaba Chweu Local Municipality
- The Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (VIENNA) 1979
- The Development and Promotion of Tourism in South African Government of South Africa
- The Energy Policy of The Republic of South Africa
- The Promotion of Renewable Energy and Clean Energy Development
- The Renewable Energy Policy of the Republic of South Africa
- Theewaterskloof Municipality
- Tobacco Products Control Act and Regulations (83/1993)
- Tourism Act and Regulations (3/2014)
- Trade Disputes Act and Regulations (15/2004) [Botswana]
- Trade Marks Act and Regulations (194/1993)
- Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act (3/2019)
- Traditional Health Practitioners Act and Regulations (22/2007)
- Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act (41/2003) ...Repealed
- Transfer Duty Act and Regulations (40/1949)
- Transformation of the Health System in South Africa, 1997
- Transport Appeal Tribunal Act (39/1998)
- Transport Deregulation Act (80/1988)
- Trespass Act (6/1959)
- Trust Property Control Act and Regulations (57/1988)
- Tsantsabane Local Municipality
- Ubuntu Municipality
- Ugu District Municipality
- Umdoni Municipality
- uMgungundlovu District Municipality
- uMhlathuze Municipality
- uMngeni Local Municipality
- uMshwathi Municipality
- uMzimkhulu Local Municipality
- Unemployment Insurance Act and Regulations (63/2001)
- Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act (4/2002)Recently Updated
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- uPhongolo Municipality
- Urban Transport Act (78/1977)
- Value Added Tax Act and Regulations (89/1991)Recently Updated
- Victor Khanye Local Municipality
- Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (VIENNA) 1985
- Wages Act and Regulations (16/1964) [Eswatini]
- Walter Sisulu Local Municipality
- Waste Management Act and Regulations (15/1998) [Botswana]
- Water Act and Regulations (15/2008) [Lesotho]
- Water Act and Regulations (31/1998) [Zimbabwe]
- Water Act and Regulations (40/1967) [Botswana]
- Water Research Act (34/1971)Recently Updated
- Water Resources Act and Regulations (2/2013) [Malawi]
- Water Resources Management Act (11/2013) [Namibia]
- Water Resources Management Act and Regulations (21/2011) [Zambia]
- Water Services Act and Regulations (108/1997)
- Water Supply and Sanitation Act and Regulations (12/2009) [Tanzania]
- Weights and Measures Act and Regulations (2/1994) [Zambia]
- West Coast District Municipality
- West Rand District Municipality
- Western Cape Provincial Acts and OrdinancesRecently Updated
- Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality
- Witzenberg Local Municipality
- Work Injury Benefits Act and Regulations (13/2007) [Kenya]
- Worker's Compensation Act and Regulations (13/1977) [Lesotho]
- Workers Compensation Act (20/2008) [Tanzania]
- Workers Compensation Act and Regulations (23/1998) [Botswana]
- Workers' Compensation Act and Regulations (10/1999) [Zambia]
- Workmen's Compensation Act and Regulations (187/1987) [Ghana]
- Workmen's Compensation Act and Regulations (7/1983) [Eswatini]
- World Heritage Convention Act and Regulations (49/1999)
- Wreck and Salvage Act (94/1996)