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Friday, July 1, 2016

Law Updates Report

Issue 54

Keeping you informed of latest developments to law you care about.

Dear Subscriber,

International Migration Green Paper

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (1996)

The Minister of Home Affairs has published the International Migration Green Paper for public comment. Representations and comments to be submitted by 30 September 2016.

R.738 of 2016

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R.726 of 2016  (G.G.40076 - Friday, June 17, 2016)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Correction Notice: Regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Table Grapes Intended for Sale in the RSA

R.727 of 2016  (G.G.40076 - Friday, June 17, 2016)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Correction Notice: Regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Pears Intended for Sale in the RSA

Notice 364 of 2016  (G.G.40088 - Friday, June 24, 2016)

Companies Act and Regulations (71/2008)

Notice in terms of Regulation 171 of the Companies Regulations, 2011

R.772 of 2016  (G.G.40100 - Tuesday, June 28, 2016)

National Heritage Resources Act and Regulations (25/1999)

Declaration of the South African National Memorial Delville Wood as a South African National Heritage Site

R.748 of 2016  (G.G.40088 - Friday, June 24, 2016)

Tax Administration Act and Regulations (28/2011)

Additional Considerations in respect of which an Application for a Binding Private Ruling Class Ruling may be Rejected

Pending Legislation

Pending legislation due on the specified commencement date.

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Proposed Legislation

Proposed legislation recently published and open for comment.

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