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Friday, May 21, 2021

Law Updates Report

Issue 292

Keeping you informed of latest developments to law you care about.

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Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (85/1993)

The Minister of Employment and Labour, has given notice in terms of Rule 276(1)(b) of the Rules of the National Assembly of his intention to introduce the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill, 2020 in the National Assembly.

The Bill seeks to amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993, to effect certain technical corrections, to make further provision in respect of the health and safety of persons at work and for the health and safety of persons in connection with the use of plant and machinery; to further regulate the protection of persons other than persons at work against hazards to health and safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work; to further regulate the composition of an advisory council for occupational health and safety; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

R.422 of 2021

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Gazetted amendments applied to the Acts we publish.

R.416 of 2021  (G.G.44571 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Standards and requirements regarding control of the export of citrus fruits: Amendment

R.428 of 2021  (G.G.44591 - Tuesday, May 18, 2021)

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and Regulations (53/2003)

Practice Note: Rules for Discretionary Collective Enterprises

Notice 276 of 2021  (G.G.44576 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act and Regulations (43/1983)

Revised tariffs, rates and scales for the goods and services provided by the Department in terms of the subdivision of the Acts

R.424 of 2021  (G.G.44574 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Disaster Management Act and Regulations (57/2002)

Extension of a National State of Disaster (COVID-19)

PN.41 of 2021  (G.G.2285 - Thursday, May 13, 2021)

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Acts and Ordinances

Declaration of the Elandsberg Protected Environment in terms of section 28(1) of the Act

PN.42 of 2021  (G.G.2285 - Thursday, May 13, 2021)

KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Acts and Ordinances

Listing of KwaZulu-Natal Public Launch Sites and the Identified Management Bodies for each Launch Site

R.420 of 2021  (G.G.44572 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Liquor Products Act and Regulations (60/1989)

Amendment to Regulations relating to Fees

R.417 of 2021  (G.G.44571 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

National Nuclear Regulator Act and Regulations (47/1999)

Notice in terms of section 28 of the Act, on fees for Nuclear Authorisations

Notice 270 of 2021  (G.G.44571 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Promotion of Access to Information Act and Regulations (2/2000)

Description Submitted: Department of Higher Education and Training

R.429 of 2021  (G.G.44592 - Wednesday, May 19, 2021)

Public Service Act and Regulations (103/1994)

Amendment of Z1(a) application for leave of absence form

BN.29 of 2021  (G.G.44571 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Road Accident Fund Act and Regulations (56/1996)

Adjustment of Statutory Limit in respect of Claims for loss in income and loss of support

R.419 of 2021  (G.G.44571 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Tax Administration Act and Regulations (28/2011)

Returns to be Submitted by a Person in terms of Section 25 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011

Pending Legislation

Pending legislation due on the specified commencement date.

— No new legislation to note this week —

Proposed Legislation

Proposed legislation recently published and open for comment.

R.425 of 2021  (G.G.44575 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act and Regulations (43/1983)

Extension of comment period for the proposed Farm Planning Regulation

Comment by: Sunday, June 13, 2021

R.423 of 2021  (G.G.44572 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Cross-Border Road Transport Act and Regulations (4/1998)

Publication for comments: Draft amendments to the Cross-Border Road Transport Regulations, 2020

Comment by: Sunday, June 13, 2021

R.427 of 2021  (G.G.44590 - Monday, May 17, 2021)

Electronic Communications Act and Regulations (36/2005)

Notice of extension for written representations on the Draft Mobile Broadband Services Regulations

Comment by: Friday, May 28, 2021

Notice 275 of 2021  (G.G.44571 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Merchant Shipping Act and Regulations (57/1951)

For comment: Amendment to Regulations relating to Merchant Shipping (Collision and Distress Signals)

Comment by: Sunday, June 13, 2021

R.422 of 2021  (G.G.44572 - Friday, May 14, 2021)

Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (85/1993)

Publication of the Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill, 2020

Date to be determined

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