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Friday, September 1, 2017

Law Updates Report

Issue 112

Keeping you informed of latest developments to law you care about.

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Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

The Minister of Mineral Resources has, after consultation with the Mine Health and Safety Council, amended the Regulations in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act.

R.893 of 2017

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R.857 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Competition Act and Regulations (89/1998)

Memorandum of Understanding between the Competition Commission and the B-BBEE Commission

R.858 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Competition Act and Regulations (89/1998)

Memorandum of Understanding between the Competition Commission and the SABS

R.860 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act and Regulations (54/1972)

Regulations Governing the Maximum Limits for Veterinary Medicine and Stock Remedy Residues that may be Present in Foodstuffs: Amendment

R.887 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

International Trade Administration Act and Regulations (71/2002)

Amendment of Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP) Regulations

R.893 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Amendment of Chapter 21 of the Regulations: Addition of Forms

R.894 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Amendment of Chapter 8 of the Regulations

R.895 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Notice to Repeal the Electrical Regulations under the Minerals Act, 1991

R.896 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Amendment of Chapter 8 to Regulations relating to Lifts and Chairlifts

R.897 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Definitions to be Repealed under the Minerals Act

R.898 of 2017  (G.G.41065 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Notice to Repeal Regulations relating to Electrical Definitions

R.856 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

National Education Policy Act and Regulations (27/1996)

Granting of Concession to Learners following the Technical Pathway who Enrolled for Grade 10 in 2016 to Deviate from the Current Programme Requirements

R.863 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Pension Funds Act and Regulations (24/1956)

Pension Funds Act (24/1956): Amendments to the regulations issued in terms of section 36 of the Act

R.908 of 2017  (G.G.41072 - Monday, August 28, 2017)

Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act (41/2003) ...Repealed

Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act (41/2003): Guidelines for determination of number of members of traditional councils

Pending Legislation

Pending legislation due on the specified commencement date.

— No new legislation to note this week —

Proposed Legislation

Proposed legislation recently published and open for comment.

R.854 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Popcorn Intended for Sale in the RSA

Comment by: Friday, September 22, 2017

R.855 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Regulations relating to the Classification, Packing and Marking of Vinegar Intended for Sale in the RSA: Revision of Regulations

Comment by: Friday, September 22, 2017

Notice 636 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Copyrights Act and Regulations (98/1978)

Draft Intellectual Property Policy for the RSA: Phase 1 (2017)

Comment by: Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Notice 636 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Designs Act and Regulations (195/1993)

Draft Intellectual Property Policy for the RSA: Phase 1 (2017)

Comment by: Tuesday, October 24, 2017

R.909 of 2017  (G.G.41077 - Wednesday, August 30, 2017)

Financial Intelligence Centre Act and Regulations (38/2001)

Draft Amendments to Regulations and Draft Withdrawal Notice of Exemptions

Comment by: Friday, September 8, 2017

R.861 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

Health Professions Act and Regulations (56/1974)

Regulations relating to the Conduct of Inquiries into Alleged Unprofessional Conduct under the Act: Amendment

Comment by: Saturday, November 25, 2017

Notice 636 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004)

Draft Intellectual Property Policy for the RSA: Phase 1 (2017)

Comment by: Tuesday, October 24, 2017

R.886 of 2017  (G.G.41064 - Friday, August 25, 2017)

National Land Transport Act and Regulations (5/2009)

Draft Green Transport Strategy (2017 - 2050)

Date to be determined

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